Sunday, July 7, 2013

Seeking refuge.

This is what refugees do – they seek refuge. In Australia the misleading and meaningless call to “Stop the boats” is reaching fever pitch in the distorted politics of Canberra. How is “stopping the boats” supposed to happen? Also, and more to the point – is it the humanitarian and ethical thing to do?

Let’s just take the emotion out of it and examine the case of “refugees”, “illegals”, “queue jumpers”, “asylum seekers” or whatever name is applied to these people.

First up look at where they are from – generally from Iraq, Iran and Afghanistan – these are countries that have had serious “interventions” from Western countries. We, that is the “West”, which includes Australia, went in with “shock and awe” and blew them apart (except for Iran which in the 1950’s the “West” stuffed up by interfering with and forcing a change in leadership – the Shah). We – the West- by our actions, destroyed the millennia old community systems of village or tribal governance and insisted on trying to impose a centralised “democratic” form of government. This is something which was unknown and in many cases unwelcome.

What eventuated was a group of broken countries with broken infrastructure divided into “fiefdoms” ruled by sectarian warlords – Sunni against Shia - all reverting to a crude fundamentalist rendering of their interpretation of the Koran.

Is it any wonder that educated, moderate Muslims and other from these unfortunate countries will do all in their power to move to a place of safety?

I did when I brought my family to Australia (from what is now Zimbabwe) some thirty years ago because I could see what was coming. But then I had the means to apply for a visa and emigrate in the “proper” manner – also I am not a Muslim nor am I of Middle-Eastern origin.

All countries benefit from immigrants. Immigrants bring new energy, new ideas and new blood into “host” nations. Modern examples of this are America, Australia and New Zealand. Going further back in time one is reminded that the ancient Greeks, Romans, Normans, Vikings, Saxons, Moors (Arabs) and Mongols all brought benefits (admittedly often by force of arms) to the lands they invaded. These lands include most of what is now Great Britain, Europe, the Middle and Far East and India. Many of the invaders intermarried and stayed.

Australia wants to “control” the number of people who arrive. Why? Is there a fear that the Anglo-Saxon and Christian foundations of the country will be threatened? The threat, whatever it is perceived to be, is not going to go away – as King Canute found out – the tide cannot be commanded to retreat.

Let them come and be productive elements in our economy – let’s be welcoming and give them an Australian “fair go”.

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