Friday, July 27, 2012

Would you buy a used car from your banker?

My one loyal reader will be aware of my deep antipathy towards banks and big banks in particular. I am appalled by their lack of integrity; appalled by their total ignorance of the concept of “service” to the customer as a priority (and NOT shareholders as a first priority); appalled by the uncontrolled (and apparently uncontrollable) greed shown to be prevalent in all levels of management in all banks.

That the banking chickens have now come home to roost, as it were, in Britain, Europe and America, is a measure of the breathtaking hubris, the corruption, the dishonesty, the lack of moral compass, the disinclination to accept responsibility, a cynical interpretation of ‘trust’, the injustice and (apparent) total ignorance of the need for ethical conduct – at Board and senior management levels of all banks everywhere (including Australia). What is playing out in the financial market is indeed an astonishing example of a corrosive and toxic culture that permeates from the top down. With staff at lower levels it is a case of “follow my leader”. The end result of this has been a belief in the mantra of profits and growth at any cost; a mantra extolling the virtues of maximising bonuses and maximising returns to shareholders without any apparent thought for the consequences that would, inevitably, flow from this self-serving attitude.

That was the cause. Now for the effect. Now is the time to pay – and make no mistake there will be a massive payout; a massive cost. Not just in money (banks can always make more!) but in the damage to the brand of “Bank”.  The public have lost trust in the integrity and purpose of banks. In this context read Barclays, HSBC, CitiBank and many, many, others.

In the Australian context, and as a case in point, there is a media release by Steven Munchinberg, the former CEO of the Australian Bankers Association (not sure of the date but it is fairly recent) entitled “Think twice before bashing the banks”. Now in this article the word “profit” is mentioned many times. Share holders equity get a mention but the word “service” is mentioned only once in the second last line in the context of  “ good value services” (whatever that means). No mention of service to the customer (depositor); no mention of banks doing their very best for the customer (depositor) – providing a good “service” to the customer (depositor). Money and profits have nothing to do with service. And “service” does not just mean a bloke with a top hat and tails greeting customers at the door!!

In banking circles there appears to be no belief in, or even an understanding of the concept of ethics – that you need to treat others the way you would like to be treated. In banking circles there appears to be no understanding of the importance of trust – that sanguine belief that customers hold to, the hope that a bank (any bank) will do its very best for me (the customer). Some hope!!

Banks have forgotten that money will follow and flow from good service. Good service will NEVER flow from money!!

Without complete trust there can be no hope of any successful business outcome. So, in the words of the title of this post, “would you buy a used car from your banker”?

Think VERY carefully before you answer.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Ethics, Big Banks, the Catholic Church and big Pharma – what ethics?

Oh boy! What a week this has been for the public exposure of unethical practice, fraud, total disregard for the welfare of human beings, pure unadulterated greed and moral bankruptcy.

Whistleblowers have done their good work again!! Greg Thorpe and Blair Hamrick – their names should be written in gold for exposing the unethical practices and fraud in the US division of the giant British based pharmaceutical company GlaxoSmithKiline (GSK). This big-Pharma is now $3 billion (repeat billion) poorer after being fined for healthcare fraud in the US.

It would appear, again, that “insider information” – in other words whistleblowers, alerted the authorities in the UK about the Barclays Bank fraud and corrupt practices (manipulating the benchmark London Interbank Offer Rate, known as LIBOR) which has resulted in the bank being charged with a $400 million fine.

Then  there is the Catholic Church and its outrageous conduct regarding the cover-up of priestly paedophilia (that is a real oxymoron if ever there was one!).

From a psychological point of view it is known that when many people gather together to share one common emotive experience (or organizational culture) the level of consciousness experienced will be well below what would be expected of individuals in a similar situation – just look at football crowds where “mob rule” seems to apply. Mixing with and being influenced by the wrong crowd or “bad company” is a well-known phenomenon. In other words take an individual out of that particular group situation and he or she will behave quite differently. Most parents will identify with this.

Many large organisations arrange group training, or bonding sessions for new staff to be indoctrinated into the “culture” of that particular organisation – boot camps are used for similar purposes.  In these sessions “conformity” is the rule – whatever you do must be the group way, must be the company way.  A person often yields to group pressure because they want to fit in with the group or they may conform because of fear of rejection by the group. This means adopting the culture – the “social” norms of the group (or organisation).

In group or organisational situations, by doing what everyone else is doing, an individual generally feels no responsibility and also no fear. There is anonymity and a safety in numbers.

The first casualty in these situations is ethics.

In the case of GSK (above) not only did the company commit fraud but they placed the lives of millions of people at risk by deliberately promoting the use of their drugs for unauthorised purposes – uses not approved by the Federal Drugs Administration (FDA) and they also committed fraud by over-charging. In this case greed (commissions) and profits took precedence over the lives and well-being of vulnerable people - the very people the drugs were designed to help. Another thing – aren’t these drugs called “ethical drugs” because they need a doctor’s prescription to be administered? In this case it is another oxymoron!

This appalling behaviour is not only immoral but is also unethical. By engaging in such behaviour GSK has not only damaged its “brand” but also, crucially, trust. Consumers of the GSK products (and those of other similar companies) will now have, justifiably, an element of doubt about the efficacy of the drugs they use.

Similarly greed (commissions), profits and maintaining shareholder dividends would all have featured in Barclays Bank’s extraordinary and outrageous conduct in colluding with other banks in manipulating the LIBOR. Barclays is guilty, with other banks, of collusion, of corruption, of veniality and grossly unethical conduct. Obviously “Group Think” took hold and like sheep those guilty of the manipulation complied with the attitudes of the group without an apparent care in the world.

No wonder I and others “bash” banks. They deserve everything that is thrown at them! Their “culture” of profits before service to their customers is a continual complaint of mine. Again, not only has Barclays activity damaged its “brand” but also weakened whatever trust people may have had in Barclays, in particular, and banks generally. The old Australian saying that ‘banks are bastards’ would seem to be holding up quite well!!

Then there is the Catholic Church – what a mess. It is rotten to its core and needs a clean out from the top down! Paedophilia is an abhorrent practice that damages the most vulnerable of all – children. Didn’t Jesus say “Suffer little children to come unto me”? Isn’t it a Christian Commandment that “Thou shalt not covert”? Isn’t it a Christian Commandment that “Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself”? Isn’t it a Christian Commandment that “Thou shalt not bear false witness”?

The Catholic Church leadership has broken every rule in the Book (the Bible) and ignored secular law by allowing these awful people to remain in the Church and worst of all, allowing them to go unpunished. Paedophiles need to be tried and convicted by a court of law – not an in camera church organised “enquiry” set up to protect its “image”! By condoning paedophilia within the ranks of its priesthood the Catholic Church is breaking the Commandments of the very Man, the Son of God, whom it professes to follow. No wonder Church attendances are falling!

Large organisations without exception have Codes of Ethics so I am sure GSK and Barclays have theirs. The Catholic Church has the Bible which should be even better. But unless ethics comes from the heart it becomes a disposable item – “use it if you feel like it” sort of thing.

Ethics is very simple really. Always treat other people the way you would like to be treated AND if everyone did what you are doing or propose to do, would the World be a better place? If you cannot answer both in the affirmative then you are not being ethical.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

More on “illegal immigrants”.

Why can’t we consider ‘asylum seekers’, ‘illegal immigrants’, ‘boat people’ or whatever label or category they are given, as people with feelings and emotions just like you and I? They are not aliens from outer space. They are human beings who have found themselves in an intolerable situation in their home country and are now trying to improve their lot by migrating to Australia. There is nothing wrong in this – their actions are to be commended as it shows initiative. There are many millions of current Australians who did the same – as did I. The only difference is that I came by plane not by a leaky boat. But then I was not oppressed; I was not targeted because of my religious beliefs; I was not unemployed or living in poverty; I was not subjected to cruel and harsh treatment or sexual abuse. I can speak English and I had a good education.

Instead of spending billions of dollars keeping these people in detention, doing nothing, why not offer them some inducement, some encouragement to learn English and employment opportunities by offering then some form of short term work permit? Many will be skilled and quite willing to work. By mixing with the general population they would quickly be introduced to Australian laws, social customs, our way of life and familiarity with the English language and thereby become integrated and better immigrants.

They might need to be monitored by electronic means until all necessary background checks have been completed and to prevent absconding. They would be working and paying taxes, not costing the tax payers anything; they would be contributing to the economy of the country – not a drain.

This is, I suggest, a better and more compassionate way of treating these so called “illegals”  and a possible solution to Australian current shortage of skilled (and unskilled) labour.

Why not? It is not as if there are millions of them in an armada just over the horizon. Just a few thousand desperate people who wish to improve their quality of life.

Why not give them an Australian fair go?