It is a very dangerous course of action to try a pick a
winner in a war zone. Particularly in a civil war and even more dangerous when
to opposing sides are divided by religious beliefs.
I am not a Syrian, I have never knowingly met a Syrian – nor
am I a Muslim. I strongly believe that no person, group or country that is neither
Muslim nor Syrian should interfere in Syria. Bashar al-Assad may not be a very nice person – but look at who his
father was and look at what his father did to the Syrian people many years ago.
He killed thousands. So his son, the current Syrian president, has not had a
particularly good role model to emulate.
The Syrians started this “war” two years ago (Amended Feb 22, 2018:- actually started March 15, 2011, so now seven years ago) and while I am appalled
at the violence and the escalation into neighbouring countries I strongly
disagree with any attempt to “support” any of the warring parties by supplying
them with weapons. The Russians are wrong; the EU is wrong and the Americans
are wrong in offering support to either side – in other words trying to pick a
winner. (Added Feb 22, 2018:- Also don't forget the religious side of this war Shia - the Alawite ruling minority and Shia majority in Iran vs the Sunni majority opposition allied to the Turks and others in the region).
Picking winners in a civil conflict never works. The
Russians and the Western Coalition tried it in Afghanistan; the French and the
Americans (and allies) tried it in Vietnam; the Americans and their allies
tried it in Iraq and there are many other examples to draw on (Palestine?) – history
is littered with such attempts - all failed or are failing. The Americans
themselves should know better than to interfere in someone else’s civil war – each
side resisted interference from the French and/or British in their various "home grown" conflicts hundreds of years ago.
Now the Russians are ramping up their supply of weapons to
Syria. This will inevitably be matched by the “West” and by Israel. To what
end? Such actions will just add fuel to the fire. This Syrian civil conflict –
as in all such conflicts - has its origins in injustice (Palestine?). And injustice can
never resolved by violence. Violence just creates more injustice, as we have
already witnessed, this in turn will promote more violence to “redress” the
additional injustices and so a vortex of violence and injustice will ensue. No
one benefits – except arms dealers and weapons manufacturers and suppliers.
By all means provide humanitarian aid to the millions of Syrian refugees in Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey and to support these countries in their efforts to assist the refugees - this is fair and just. But not to supply weapons.
Violence is the last resort of the morally bankrupt.
Violence is the last resort of the morally bankrupt.