The majority of physical illness diagnoses can be verified
by objective clinical tests. The majority, if not all, of psychiatric 'mental
illnesses' cannot be (those caused by alcohol, drugs and certain real diseases,
Alzheimer’s and Huntingdon’s excepted). Many medical diseases have verifiable
causes. Psychiatry has none. 'Mental disorders' are simply categorizations of
behaviours or thought processes which are then given labels.
The truth is finally – after too long a period of denial –
“coming out”:
There have been claims, published in professional
journals and in the media for decades, of gene discoveries and that mentally
disordered patients have faulty genes and chemical imbalances in their brains.
All are now shown to be wrong.
The American Psychiatric
Association (APA) has now officially admitted that there are no genes for mental
disorders. In an official APA press release dated May 3rd, 2013, Diagnostic
and Statistical Manual for mental disorders version 5 (DSM-5) Task Force head
David Kupfer MD stated, “In the future, we hope to be able to identify
disorders using biological and genetic markers that provide precise diagnoses
that can be delivered with complete reliability and validity. Yet this promise,
which we have anticipated since the 1970s, remains disappointingly distant.
We’ve been telling patients for several decades that we are waiting for
biomarkers. We’re still waiting.”
In this statement, American
psychiatry has at last come clean about its failure to support its claims of a
biological basis for “mental illness” with actual scientific findings.
The hope is that one day, as
David Kupfer MD plaintively tells us, research may, “culminate in the genetic
and neuroscience breakthroughs that will revolutionize our field. In the
meantime, should we merely hand patients another promissory note that something
may happen sometime? Every day, we are dealing with impairment or tangible
suffering, and we must respond. Our patients deserve no less.”
I have raised the fact before that almost by
definition, psychiatric disorders are not medical conditions. If they are shown
to have a biological basis, they cease being psychiatric disorders and are
transferred to other areas of medicine, such as neurology. This point has been
made repeatedly by others more qualified than I. As far as I can determine there
is no evidence that DSM “mental disorders” are true medical conditions, but if
such evidence comes in, they will be treated as medical conditions and not psychiatric
As I understand it, psychiatry and psychology have been
trying to reconcile the irreconcilable. There is an attempt to reconcile the
objective, quantitative, scientifically measurable aspects of the biological
brain with the subjective, qualitative and immeasurable aspects of the mind
with the hope of arriving at some meaningful answer.
I know that various scanning techniques have identified
parts of the brain that “light up” when emotions or thoughts are invoked. But
no one has ever been able to determine what comes first; do the thoughts “light
up” the neurons or do the “lit up” neurons generate the thoughts?
We need to know the answers to this conundrum because the
present level of psychiatric research conformity demands that any mental
disorder can only be the result of some biological/chemical deficiency in the
brain which can be cured by pharmacological products alone. The fact that the
APA (above) has had an unusually reflective moment and realised that it may be
wrong in promoting the quest for biological markers for mental disorders is illuminating
to say the least and well over due.
Pharmaceutical drugs are not the answer – so what now?
I suggest that if it took years for any particular
individual to develop whatever mental disorder symptoms are presented to the
health professional concerned, popping a pill may, temporarily, alleviate the
problem but will not cure it. What is needed is a long and time consuming,
gentle, empathetic, holistic approach to the person concerned – listen, LISTEN
to what the person has to say. There is always a message in there somewhere. It
may need deciphering. The message will undoubtedly be garbled and may, for
example, be an attempt to interpret an event which occurred when the person was
an infant who would have lacked the relevant emotional or cognitive abilities
to arrive at a satisfactory answer.
Once more, pharmaceutical drugs are not the answer. They
are only marginally more efficacious than a placebo (and in some cases – generally
not reported by the pharmaceutical companies concerned – may actually perform
worse than placebos). Drugs, without exception, have severe side effects and
have physical effects on the body, which often reduce life span by many years.
So, to answer the question posed at the beginning of this
post - it now accepted that the assertions mental disorders are caused by
biological factors are myths and based on fantasy, not facts.