Homelessness in any society is a measure of its Moral
Compass and Social Conscience. In Australia, where I live, the latest figures
provided by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) in 2011, record that there
were 105 237 homeless people (49 out of every 10 000 people in the country). In
the Northern Territory this reaches the staggering figure of 700 in every 10
000! This astonishing number reflects the very poor status of the Original
People of Australia - the Aboriginal. We should hang our heads in shame.
In the USA – the wealthiest country in the world – on any
night in January 2013 the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
reported there were 610 042 homeless people (19 out of every 10 000 people in
the country). According to the Walking Shield website that caters for Native
Americans there were 90 000 Native American families that were homeless - using
the U.S.
Commission on Civil Rights 2003 figures. This is now 2014 and,
with respect, I suggest that there will not have been much improvement since
These figures – statistics – are an appalling indictment of
the way current economic theory and capitalism are disconnected from “real”
Everyone is worried about the “economy” but they forget or
ignore the fact that the “economy” would not exist without people. People ARE
the economy. Look after people – pay them a liveable wage – and the economy
will prosper. The low paid will have more money to spend after the essentials
have been catered for. This is both the ethical and the morally correct thing
to do.
The “multiplier effect” is, I understand, something like 1.5
– for every $1 in increased basic wage
(for the low paid) there is a $1.50 benefit for the “economy”; increased spending
power, increased taxes for governments, reduced requirement for social security benefits
and generally better health and well-being for the recipients. This
is the “churn” effect that money has - what goes around comes around and then
I remind my one loyal reader that over one hundred years ago
Henry Ford said that every worker should be paid enough to buy what he makes!
It is not the “economy”, stupid – it is people!!