Saturday, February 28, 2009

Me on my high-horse again!

I have written about it before but recent articles about the Madoff ‘ponzi scheme’ defrauding people worldwide of some US$50 billion (that is 50 with 9 zeros after it) and the yet to be quantified US Army in Iraq fraud – reputedly about US $125 billion (125 with 9 zeros) have got me on my high-horse again. What do the people involved with all this think when actually participating? Are they happy? Are they nervous? Or does greed blind them to any possible consequences?

As stated before, every action or deed performed by a human being, which are all initiated by thoughts, will have an effect on something, on someone, somewhere and at sometime – and it ALWAYS affects the person or persons involved.

It must be repeated, again and again, that we all know, in our heart of hearts what is right and what is wrong. We all have the facility to choose and to discriminate between different courses of action. We certainly know when we have done or said something “wrong”, otherwise why do we, when caught out, prevaricate and lie and deny our actions? Why do criminals, or those abusing their power or authority, generally perform their criminal acts at night, or when they are not likely to be seen; why do they often wear masks or some form of disguise? Why do criminals flee from the scene of their crime? Or when caught, deny any association with what has occurred? Why do those accused often try to fabricate an alibi? Why do alleged criminals generally try to hide their faces from public view and the television cameras? And when in court why do they plead “Not guilty”? Why is it that offenders do not want to admit the truth and accept responsibility for their actions? Why do oppressive governments (and some that are not so oppressive!!) attempt to suppress any media reports likely to expose their illegal or criminal activities? Why are ‘whistle blowers’ always treated harshly by those upon whom the whistle has been blown?

People as individuals, or in positions of authority, business or in government will justify their questionable actions (or sometimes their in-action) in any way possible, rather than a straight forward acceptance of their responsibility. People will blame their, alleged, abuse as a child; or poverty; or diminished responsibility brought about by the effects of alcohol, or drugs; or peer pressure, anything, rather than accept responsibility. If the person is in business or government the media is often blamed for misrepresentation; or misquoting; or accused of quoting out of context.

They forget that they have to live with themselves. Knowing what they know about their own fraudulent or criminal activities there will be a deep seated nervousness regarding people they meet (I wonder if he is an FBI agent? Why is the phone ringing now - I wonder who it is? Etc, etc.) No amount of money can clean your conscience.

“The Moving Finger writes; and having writ,
Moves on: nor all thy Piety nor Wit
Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line,
Nor all thy Tears wash out a Word of it.”
From the E Fitzgerald translation - Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam [C1100 AD]

It is natural to tell the truth. It is a relief to tell the truth. There are many well recorded instances of criminals on the run, sometimes for years, who when finally caught, express relief. Similarly when we admit our actions to ourselves, or family, or friends, or business associates and we ‘come clean’ regarding something we have done; something we are not very proud about, we feel relief. Non-acceptance of personal responsibility is stressful.

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