Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Some thoughts on God

I have always been hesitant about mentioning God in my posts. I certainly believe in an ‘essence’, in a ‘something’ which is above and beyond us all (certainly me) and yet of which we are a part. Call this the ‘Absolute’, God, Allah – ‘It/He/She’ is all the same thing so a name is not really that important.

The struggle I have is to introduce the subject without getting people offside, because one’s beliefs are so personal. I follow no particular brand of religion – I prefer the more philosophical side of things – principally because I have never liked the idea of being ‘boxed in’ by the dogma and ideology of any particular religion.

Now I am certainly not out to try to convince anyone that my concept of God is the best or the only concept – I stress that this is my concept, seen through my eyes, coloured with my interpretation of my experiences of my life.

Some might not believe in God at all. I am comfortable with that – that is their call. In my case I seem always to have had an ‘understanding’ (the best word I can think of) that God exists. In my understanding God is not a fearsome being ‘up there’ that I must abase myself before. Not at all. ‘My’ God is supportive, omnipotent, all encompassing and one that gave me free will to do as I please, with the proviso that I need to be aware that each and every action, thought and deed of mine will have a consequence – positive, negative, good, bad or neutral. Therefore I ‘create’ my own world, the world I live in with my values and my understanding. This means that it is not God who brings me happiness or unhappiness or suffering. No! I attract or draw these to me by my actions (or inaction) – the Law of Cause and Effect deals justly and follows its course to the end. I am responsible –“I am the Master of my Fate; I am the Captain of my Soul” (from ‘Invictus’, by W.E. Henley).

I ask myself, “Where is God?” If God is omnipotent then there can be no place where God is not present; God must be everywhere. Therefore He must be in me, in you, in birds, in fish, in plants, in fact in all living things. Now I have witnessed death and seen the light of Life slowly fade from the eyes of the being that is dying and I have wondered what it was that withdraws its essence, its energy from the body lying there – that was animated and warm and which is now still and growing cold. Has Life, God, the essence – whatever name It is given, cast off that particular manifestation, like an old coat, because it no longer serves a useful purpose in the great scheme of things?

I don’t know and I will never know. But it is worth thinking about because my beliefs colour my everyday thoughts and actions and make me the person I am, doing what I do and the manner of the doing.

It is all me – I have the free will to do as I please, but I can never forget that I am responsible for my actions and the consequences that inevitably flow from them. Remember the old proverb (Spanish I believe), “Take what you want from life,” says God, “Take it, and pay.”

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