Monday, September 10, 2012

Private School Funding

I have never understood why, in the Australian context, private (also known as independent) schools should receive tax payer’s money to support their students. Surely private/independent means just that? Surely someone who can afford the fees to send their child to a private/independent school does not need the support of tax payer funds? Parents (or guardians) of a student would, I presume, decide to send their child to a particular private/independent school because they agree with the philosophy, the status this may provide or the teaching methods of their chosen institution – and therefore agree to the entry conditions AND the fees charged.

I agree wholeheartedly with the Australian Government’s avowed aim that every child should receive a good education. This is as it should be. This is why there are government, or in the Australian vernacular – public schools, funded by tax payers.

So why add to the taxpayer’s burden by providing additional funds to private/independent fee charging schools from taxpayer’s money? The logic of this is beyond me – and also I might add, to my one loyal reader!

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