Sunday, September 1, 2013

Not again. Please!

Oh dear, Oh dearie me! Here we go again. More interference in another country; more mayhem; more misery; more deaths; more displaced people; more refugees. And for what? Pray tell! Pray explain!


We are, once more, hearing the rattle of sabres. We are, once more, hearing the “Ka Ching” sound from the armament industries around the world as they work out how much money they will make from a possible (probable?) foreign engagement in the internal affairs of the Syrians.

While I will admit that the Assad regime may be not to my liking or, as is evident, to that of the “West”, so what! It is certainly apparent that poison gas was used by someone in Syria (and this is not the first time such an atrocity has been committed in the Middle East) but I do not believe that it is up to anyone else except the Syrians to sort out Syria’s problems. Any intervention in Syria raised the spectre of imponderable and unintended consequences.

Just remember the – I am sure – unintended consequences of granting part of the land of Palestine to Israel. The results of which are still being played out – some sixty thousand dead and counting.

Just remember the – I am sure – unintended consequences of the intervention in Vietnam and the shocking effects of Agent Orange on the population, which is still being played out. This was poison on a grand scale.

Just remember the – I am sure – unintended consequences of the intervention in Iraq and the chaos that resulted and which has yet to play out. At least one hundred and sixty thousand dead, and counting.

Leave Syria alone. Let the Syrian’s work through their problems – I repeat their problems – and learn to accept whatever result eventuates, good, bad or indifferent. They started it, let them finish it. The Syrians are an intelligent and capable people. They have had problems going back thousands of years and they have sorted themselves out – one way or another. They have survived as has the rest of the world – no matter who governs Syria.

Provide humanitarian aid when it is requested by anyone. Certainly! But not arms or armed intervention no matter who requests it.


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