Amended April 6, 2019.
Violence! Something that impacts us all in some manner. Sometimes. But why? Why do some people, groups or societies so dislike other people, groups or societies that they are prepared, indeed plan, to inflict extreme violence on those they dislike. Why?
Violence! Something that impacts us all in some manner. Sometimes. But why? Why do some people, groups or societies so dislike other people, groups or societies that they are prepared, indeed plan, to inflict extreme violence on those they dislike. Why?
There is of course no easy answer but there are some very plausible theories that attempt to explain why.
One theory which makes a great deal of sense to me is the “mimetic” theory. This word is derived from the Greek root of the word “mimesis” that has given the English language the word “imitate”.
Some, often those who are deeply religious, from both the “far right” and the “far left”, in fact all extremists, whatever their beliefs, seem to copy or imitate the actions of others. Should one person or group start with “all Muslims” or “all Jews” or all “non-Muslims” or all “coloured” people or those in the LGBT community, in fact any and all who are considered "heretics", “unbelievers” or “different”, are in some distorted way now deemed “unworthy” or “unclean” – and so the spawning season commences. Others pick up on the themes and each tries to out do the others in their view of why the difference matters and what to about it.
This is mimesis – this is rampant and mindless imitation. More importantly it is the imitation of someone else's desires, particularly whenever what is desired cannot be shared that gives rise to conflict. It is a case of, "I want it so you can't have it!"
As we have witnessed all to often in the world, violence is always the outcome. More often than not unlimited violence, leading to death, mutilation, extreme physical punishment, isolation or imprisonment.
All this because some people will not, or cannot, accept the fact that everyone just wants to live peaceably, worship God according to their tradition, have enough shelter, food and adequate clothing together with sufficient means to raise and educate their children.
For goodness sake what’s wrong with that?