Sunday, July 5, 2020

Walk with me for a day

In today's heated emotions about what, if any lives matter, I suggest that this poem written by a member of the "first people" - 65 000 years of history in Australia - is worth reading.

Walk with me for a day
The colour of my skin your eyes do see
Pain dwelling deep within
Afflictions to experience is a mere dream
Walk with me for a day.
Souls of black Australia in the sea of mankind
Neither here nor there
Memories lost of tribal care
Walk with me for a day.
Share my dreaming of this great land
Grassroots problems where did they begin?
Please don’t criticize my countryman
Walk with me for a day.
History’s footprints linger within the depths of time
As its path of destruction lays a snare
Emotions deep in the valley of despair
Walk with me for a day.
Torn and battered weary souls fight on
Equality beats to the sound of progress roar
Reconcile and together we’ll learn
Walk with me for a day.
                                                                        Tania Con-Goo 2005

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