Sunday, March 6, 2022


I always thought that the old saying, “War is sweet to those that know it not” was of Roman origin but apparently it is from ancient Greece - from the Greek poet Pindar (518BC – 438BC), to be exact. I have no knowledge of the Greek language but have a fragmentary knowledge of Latin and Pindar’s original Greek is the origin of the Latin proverb "Dulce bellum inexpertis" which is translated (more or less) as, “War is sweet to those that know it not”.


The continuation of what Pindar wrote is; “but the experienced man trembles exceedingly at heart on its approach.”


I believe that this proverb is as true today as it was 2500 years ago. 


In the name of God, why start a war? Why? 


It is my firm belief that human ego and pride are the reasons. These two give rise to the widespread misconception of “us” and “them”. Us being always better, more intelligent and culturally advanced than them and that “our” God is better than “their” God. Therefore it matters not how we treat such inferior beings – God is on “our” side!


The old concept of the Scapegoat is very apparent – always blame “them” – awful, inferior people. Now the Ukrainians are termed Nazis and must be eliminated. Sound familiar?


It takes two to tango – as the old saying goes. It stands to reason that differences of opinion will arise (humans being the fickle creatures they are) therefore it will always be necessary for there to be (as Winston Churchill famously phrased it) more “jaw, jaw” and less “war, war”. And “jaw, jaw” is always less costly in human life and material than “war, war” – always.


Vladimir Putin was born, in Leningrad (since renamed back to its original St Petersburg), on 7 October 1952 – so he has no direct, feet on the ground, shooting, experience of war. There is, however, something that we all need to be aware of – both Putin’s parents experienced the Second World War first hand, his mother in the terrible siege of Leningrad and his father, a soldier, was severely wounded fighting the Nazis.

It is now recognized, and is well documented, that trauma of any type affects a person’s body, not just the brain and mind. Trauma affects the “epigenetics” – those proteins that trigger genetic activity – in fact the “Body Keeps the Score” (the title of a book by psychiatrist, Bessel Van Der Kolk).

It will therefore come as no surprise if it is ever determined that Putin is suffering from the traumatic events experienced by his parents. 

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