Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Disingenuous Taxation Proposal

Well I never! To think that a Government – in Australia, would or could take us all as idiots, is beyond belief. Hah!!

Now listen carefully:-

Assume, for the sake of argument that the Australian taxation revenue is $100 billion (it is much more I know, but that is not the point) as I say $100 billion. If the Federal Government’s plan is accepted, that Federal taxation would be reduced (slightly) and this shortfall in overall taxation would revert to the States and Territories to collect for their use, then a very straight forward scenario will unfold. No matter how this is sliced and diced between the Federal Government and the States and Territories the total tax revenue will still be $100 billion (or whatever the actual figure is). No more, no less. It cannot be otherwise UNLESS taxation is increased!

This is what the Federal Government is trying to do – to FORCE the States and Territories to increase taxes to meet their ever increasing need to fund health and education. The Federal Government can wash its hands, Judas fashion, and say with a straight face – we didn’t do anything to increase taxes!! Blame the States and Territories!

I just hope that our various State and Territory leaders will see through this trap and reject the proposal to change how taxes are collected.

Shall I hold my breath?

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