They may have a different colour skin; they
may speak a different language; they may have different customs; but they will
all scream in pain when tortured (as I am sure I would do); they will all bleed
when hurt; they will all die of hunger if not fed; they will all die of thirst
with out water.
They are all HUMAN BEINGS, like me and like
Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus all
worship God – God, Yahweh, Allah and Vishnu (or Shiva or Brahma) – different
names for the same thing. All worship in a different way, according to their tradition,
but does it really matter?
The fact is that about 65 million people
are displaced at present, in the World. This is the greatest number since World
War 2. And many, if not all, have been displaced because of their skin colour,
their language, their customs or the manner by which they worship God.
This is nearly twice the population of
California. About the population of Great Britain and also about the same as
the population of France!
This is appalling. It is outrageous that
this displacement and the suffering – almost always the suffering of the most
defenceless and vulnerable, women and children - should take place at all.
All because of a perceived “difference”!!
There is much wringing of hands and many
words of condemnation, but methinks, too little action. These unfortunate
people now have no home, little food and shelter and in many cases, no country.
Children are denied education, denied the emotional and physical stability and
support that is so necessary for their development to achieve fulfillment as useful
citizens of the World.
Religious persecution, and this
displacement of millions is, at its root, religious persecution, is a
significant relapse of values, a relapse of humanity, a relapse back to
Medieval, even primitive times and is a very poor reflection on our current,
collective, morality. How about the
“Golden Rule” – treat others the way you would like to be treated? Have we
forgotten this? Does it no longer apply?
It was Nietzsche (admittedly not one of my
favourate philosophers) who, I believe somewhere said, “Anyone who fights with
monsters should take care that he does not in the process become a monster.”
Are we becoming monsters?
Do differences really matter that much?
Over seventy years after the Second World
War, I don’t believe this will be looked upon as our “Finest Hour”, by future
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