Friday, April 26, 2019

What brings memories

Certain words or groups of words have to power to deeply affect me. They always have. May be that is why I respond so easily to the emotions expressed in poetry. 

I read the other day something that included the phrase “loyal heart”. Just those two words hit me “twixt wind and water” as the saying goes. Simple words when apart but when together they are full of meaning.

Loyal – being there for all contingencies; being steadfast; being understanding; being critical but not condemnatory. Being a friend.

Heart – and I don’t mean the blood pump thing in our chest cavity. I refer to the old belief that the “heart” is the seat of all emotions; the seat of love; the seat of courage and the seat of hate. There are many sayings that incorporate this belief – she has a “heart of gold”; his heart is “in the right place”; she has a “big heart”; he has “no heart” or is a “blaggard”  (derived I believe from “black heart”); he had “hatred in his heart”. She is “all heart” – though, of course, this, last, can also be used in a derogatory or sarcastic sense! 

Still, it is this combination of the words that brings me a host of memories; warm memories; loving memories. Memories of a loving and loyal heart; of a friend. For all her feistiness and sometimes stubborn, contrary opinions, I do believe that Magucha had a Loyal Heart. A very Loyal Heart.

I know that we tested each other in many ways – but we always seemed to be strengthened by each “test” that was passed or overcome. And for that I am very grateful.

The lyrics of the song “You’re my best friend” – by the Country singer Don Williams, just fit, as far as I’m concerned (and of course so does the melody):-

You placed gold on my finger
You brought love like I've never known
You gave life to our children
And to me a reason to go on

You're my bread when I'm hungry
You're my shelter from troubled winds
You're my anchor in life's ocean
But most of all you're my best friend

When I need hope and inspiration
You're always strong when I'm tired and weak
I could search this whole world over
You'd still be everything that I need

You're my bread when I'm hungry
You're my shelter from troubled winds
You're my anchor in life's ocean
But most of all you're my best friend.

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