Tuesday, December 16, 2008

AFL good sense

At last there has been some sense knocked into the collective heads of the Australian Football League hierarchy. A highly talented footballer, with fragile emotional strength has at the fifty-ninth minute of the eleventh hour been accepted back by the AFL community, back into the game he loves and was very obviously born to play. I am of course talking about Ben Cousins. All the more power to the Richmond Football Club for choosing him as their new player for 2009 – with all his many talents and many faults.
Ben is a magnificent athlete but he needs a very good mentor to guide him in everyday life skills. He does not pick his friends very well, obviously has a very low tolerance for alcohol and drugs. And I suspect has a low self esteem, hence the ‘need’ for substance abuse and the company of the people he associates with. Very sad.
At least Ben now has a second chance and I for one wish him well in his new club. I hope to see this superb athlete grace the football fields for quite a few years yet (who knows I might even change my allegiance to Richmond and follow a code that I do not really understand – I prefer rugby union!).
Good luck Ben.

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