Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Mea Culpa

It is now Christmas Eve. That most treasured of times; the one time in the year when differences are, if not forgotten or forgiven, at least considered in a more favourable mood. This is the season for spreading good cheer; for meeting family and friends and enjoying the break from work; for going on holiday and making (and breaking) resolutions.

Here is mine: unless I think more carefully about what I choose to write about I should keep quiet! I made a statement at the end of my last blog – about homeless people and that their plight is often one of choice. Now I know, I have always known, that many are homeless not from choice but by circumstances beyond their control. I consider myself to be an interested observer of life and I read widely so I am fully aware of the many and various events that occur to render a person or a family, homeless.

Therefore if I offended anyone, or gave the wrong impression, I unreservedly apologise.

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