Thank God for some sense in this mad Gaza conflict. The following is copied from an ABC news report:
Queen Rania of Jordan, Israel's immediate neighbour, says the deaths of Gaza's children are unacceptable.
"The children of Gaza, the dead and the barely living, their mothers, their fathers, are not acceptable collateral damage," she said.
"Their lives do matter. Their loss does count. They are not divisible from our universal humanity. No child is. No civilian is."
UNICEF says the children of Gaza are being denied fundamental human rights, like protection from violence and access to education and healthcare.
But Israel's Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni says Hamas is the one deliberately targeting civilians.
"They targeted last week a school in Beersheba in Israel. Do you think that the proportionate action is to target a school?" she said.
"We are not going to do this. They are targeting civilians. We are not going to do this."
Two wrongs do not make a right. Israel is trying to justify their attack on a UN school by accusing Hamas of attacking an Israeli school. If Hamas did this, then shame on them. But for the Israelis to deliberately target a school (particularly when the UN gave them the co-ordinates of the school to avoid such an attack) with an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth revenge mentality is criminal. By doing so the Israelis have lowered themselves to the level of Hamas (if it is proved Hamas did what the Israelis claim) and they have lost any moral ‘high ground’ they may have enjoyed.
Children and adult civilians are not acceptable military targets. If Hamas, (and I repeat if), are using children and civilians as shields then that is despicable. But for the Israelis to kill children and their parents because such shielding MAY be occurring is equally despicable. In fact it is worse coming from a highly educated and cultured people like the Jews. They should hang their heads in shame!
The Jews roundly condemned the world for idly standing by while millions of their innocent men, women and children were slaughtered by the Nazis before and during the Second World War. Are the Palestinians not human? Don’t they suffer when hurt, mentally or physically? For sixty years the Israelis have controlled (or tried to control) the Palestinians that the formation of the very State of Israel caused the disenfranchised and now landless people to gather in Gaza – somewhere where they could put some roots down and call it home.
Haven’t the Israelis got any compassion; any understanding of the Palestinians plight? Have they no ‘milk of human kindness’? The Jews were disenfranchised and made landless in biblical times and they fought for centuries to get their ‘promised land’. What do they think the Palestinians are going to do in similar circumstances – just roll over?
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